Long time no see! Without further ado, I’m excited to release episodes 1 and 2 of Cross Fight B-Daman eS REDEFINED! We've decided to start from the beginning and release the best possible versions of the episodes that have already been released before continuing with the series. Our goal is to give fans the best experience possible. For several months, we've been working hard, collaborating, reviewing every single line, and doing our best to redo all of the previously released episodes. We plan to release episodes 1–16 in batches of two in a timely manner before moving on to episode 17 and onward. These episodes have been reworked from the ground up, featuring accurate translations, re-timed subtitles, and a fresh, modern look.
DDL: Episode 1 Episode 2
Torrent: Episode 1-4
Alternatively you can join our discord for faster, more secure downloads
Major changes compared to old version:
- The translation has been fully rechecked for mistakes
- Complete re-time of dialogues and typesetting with frame accuracy to avoid ugly things like in the photos ( trailing subs old and trailing subs 2) [some people may call it frame bleeding where the text bleeds in another frame]
- Very NICE Karaoke effects that AnimeFN spent hours on
- Nicer styles with modern easy to read fonts and better look and feel overall
- Better ergonomics/readability:
- we paid extra attention to line splits, adapted the duration of lines to allow people to read, avoided taboos like 3-line subs
- Avoid covering the OP/ED JP lyrics text with subs.
- Softsub version using original TV rip raws without re-encode, in other words slightly better video quality
- Consistency in every thing, same spelling (for names, countdown, etc), and used the same styles (colors and fonts) for all episodes as the old version had different (or no) conventions from one episode to another.
- Better distro (DDL, XDCC, torrent, Youtube for a harsubbed version) with common fansubs naming conventions (CRC32, codec in filename, etc)
To give you a glimpse of the improvements, here are some screenshots highlighting the difference in translation accuracy, along with the updated visual style. Enjoy!
OLD STYLE (title)
NEW STYLE (title)
OLD STYLE (opening)
OLD STYLE (ending)
NEW STYLE (ending)
OLD STYLE (3 lines)
NEW STYLE (3 lines)
OLD STYLE (translation1)
NEW STYLE (translation1)
OLD STYLE (translation2)
OLD STYLE (translation3)
NEW STYLE (translation3)
Stay tuned for the next release real soon!